the photos are such that they have x and y axes

    -----> x
  | |                  |
  | |                  |
  V |                  |
    |                  |
  y |                  |

   and they are stacked up along the z axis

                     10 +----------------+
                    9 +----------------+ |
                  8 +----------------+ | |
                7 +----------------+ | | |
              6 +----------------+ | | | |
            5 +----------------+ | | | | |
          4 +----------------+ | | | | |-+
        3 +----------------+ | | | | |-+
      2 +----------------+ | | | | |-+
    1 +----------------+ | | | | |-+
      |	               | | | | |-+
      |    .(x,y,1)    | | | |-+
      |                | | |-+
      |                | |-+
      |                |-+

001-original.avi original file
002-KXMinusY.avi (x,y,z) is replaced by (x,y, z+x-y)
003-KAbs120MinusY.avi (x,y,z) is replaced by (x,y, z+ (abs(120-y))
004-KSlices.avi this is a "bad" video, kept for amusement
005-KSin.avi z is shifted by some multiple of sin(x+y)
006-KHemisphere.avi a hemisphere is pushed into the middle of the cuboid pushing the centre furthest into the future
007-KModMod.avi don't know.
008-KGrey.avi z is shifted by the average of (r g b) into the future
009-KSpaceTime.avi time (z) and the x axis are interchanged :)
010-KHalfRadian.avi the entire block of MOVIESPACE is rotated by ~30 degrees clockwise
in these last three movies, the cuboid of frames is rotated based on the y value, which grows from top of picture to bottom of picture. a way to imagine this is to take a deck of cards and then twist the deck.
these two, looping, movies are what happens when time is distorted in proportion to the distance from the center of the frames.